Tomas Bata University in Zlín


prof. Mgr. Marek Koutný, Ph.D.

Ústav inž. ochrany životního prostředí
E-mail: Mobile: +420 739 003 706 TEL: +420 576 031 208 Office:

Biodegradation of polymer materials, application of molecular biological methods to the study of biodegradation, relationship of plastics and the environment, systems for controlled release of active substances, advanced respirometry, teaching, lecturing.


Consulting hours

Friday 8am - 10am

Curriculum vitae


1990-1996 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, Mgr., Biochemistry
1996-1999 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, Ph.D., biochemistry

Internships and study stays

11-12 / 1998 Research stay, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
5-6 / 2001 Research stay, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2004-2005 Postdoc research stay Blaise Pascal University and CNEP Clermont-Ferrand, France
9/2008 Erasmus (Mobility of Teachers), ENSC, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
5/2010 "Invited Professor", ENSC, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
2/2012 "Invited Professor", Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
7/2013 Teaching the subject "Composting" within the Master program on the topics of Green Chemistry, University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy
4/2018 Erasmus +, Biodegradable polymer materials, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Process of employment

1999 -2007 Odborný asistent, VUT Brno, Fakulta technologická, později Universita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
2004-2005 Postdoc výzkumný pobyt Blaise Pascal University a CNEP Clermont- Ferrand, Francie
2007-2015 Docent, Fakulta technologická, později Universita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
11/2015 Jmenován profesorem v oboru „Chemie a technologie ochrany životního prostředí“

Membership of bodies

Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Member since 2016

Faculties and departments
