Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Elemental analyser Thermo Fischer Scientific Flash EA 1112

The instrument is used to determine the percentage composition of the elements C, H, N, S, and O based on controlled sample combustion and analysis of the combustion products using gas chromatography with a thermal conductivity detector.

Key features:

  • Carrier gas: helium; combustion gas: oxygen
  • Sample amount per capsule: 2 mg; typically, the sample is analysed in three capsules, requiring a minimum of 6 mg of sample
  • External standard method, with the option to use supplied standards (EA grade)
  • Includes Mettler microbalance with a weighing capacity of 5.1 g and an accuracy of 0.000001 g (1 µg)
  • C, H, N, and S are determined in a single measurement; O determination must be performed separately if required
  • The acceptable deviation for repeated measurements is less than 0.4 %.

Department of Chemistry, U15/220

Responsible person:
Name:             Robert Vícha
Phone.:           576031103
Office:             U15/424

Faculties and departments
