Elemental analyser Thermo Fischer Scientific Flash EA 1112
The instrument is used to determine the percentage composition of the elements C, H, N, S, and O based on controlled sample combustion and analysis of the combustion products using gas chromatography with a thermal conductivity detector.
Key features:
- Carrier gas: helium; combustion gas: oxygen
- Sample amount per capsule: 2 mg; typically, the sample is analysed in three capsules, requiring a minimum of 6 mg of sample
- External standard method, with the option to use supplied standards (EA grade)
- Includes Mettler microbalance with a weighing capacity of 5.1 g and an accuracy of 0.000001 g (1 µg)
- C, H, N, and S are determined in a single measurement; O determination must be performed separately if required
- The acceptable deviation for repeated measurements is less than 0.4 %.
Department of Chemistry, U15/220
Responsible person:
Name: Robert Vícha
Phone.: 576031103
E-mail: rvicha@utb.cz
Office: U15/424