Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Ion-trap mass spectrometer

Instrument description:
An ion-trap mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionisation source (ESI-IT-MS) and the option to use atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI-IT-MS). The instrument is suitable for the structural characterisation of organic compounds and the study of their behaviour in the gas phase using advanced MSn experiments.

Key features:

  • measurement of liquid samples (solutions in LC-MS grade solvents)
  • standard mass range: 50–3000 m/z (extendable to 6000 m/z in the lowest available resolution mode)
  • analysis in positive and negative scanning modes (±MS)
  • ±MS/MS of precursor ions
  • advanced ±MSn experiments (nmax = 11)

Department of Chemistry, U15/219


Responsible person:
Name:             Michal Rouchal
Phone:             576031432
Mobile:           730 812 797
Office:             U15/429

Faculties and departments
