Study in Zlín with Visegrad Scholarship!
10. September 2021Let me introduce you to Orsi, a student in our Polymer Engineering Master’s program, who wound up in Czechia. She studied Molecular Bionics Engineering in Budapest, Hungary and never ever expected, even in her wildest dreams to study abroad, especially in Czechia. Although she spent one year in Finland as an EVS volunteer at an English Kindergarten, she lacked confidence in her English skills and was nervous about using English abroad again.
You come from Budapest, Hungary. Why did you decide to study in Zlín?
This question was asked by almost everyone at UTB. In the beginning I thought I should make up a story like I always wanted to come to Czechia to study, or I have heard many things about the university, or my goal was to be a polymer engineer (which is thought of highly here), but then I decided to stick to the truth. Back then I had a Czech boyfriend (now my husband) and we maintained a long-distance relationship. I finished my Bachelor’s Program and got my degree. After 6 months of dating we were thinking of the next step. I was always so afraid to go abroad for studies, therefore I applied to a Biochemical Engineering Master’s Program in Budapest. I started the program, but somehow I did not feel motivated enough to complete the program. I shared my feelings with my boyfriend. I told him that 2 years in a long distance relationship is a lot of time and that I was not enjoying the master’s program I was doing. Suddenly, it came to mind that there is a university which is famous for its plastic production in Zlín, where he lived, (he had already mentioned it to me much earlier). I checked the English programs and I found UTB’s Polymer Engineering Master’s Program which sounded good. I have to admit that a Biomaterials and Cosmetics Master’s made me the most excited, but there was no full-time English master’s program at that time (UTB now offers Master’s Programs which are taught in English).
We had one more problem! Master’s Programs taught in English have tuition fees which were too much for me to pay from my savings. Therefore, we checked for scholarship opportunities and we found one, the Visegrad Scholarship. We had 4 days to submit the application when we found it, but the International Office of UTB was amazingly quick and helpful, as a result, I managed to apply for it and after 2 months of waiting I got accepted to my biggest adventure ever at UTB.
If you compare the studies in Budapest and here at UTB in Zlín, what surprised you the most? Are there any differences?
I see many differences. The amount of laboratories here at UTB surprised me, in Hungary we have just theoretical studies with very few practical ones, here the proportion is the opposite. Many practical parts with sufficient theoretical parts. I like this way much more and during my internship I was able to advance my practical knowledge as well.
Due to COVID I had private lessons which helped me create personal relationships with my teachers. It was a very unique and amazing thing. I think a big difference is that here we usually use informal speech to talk to teachers, in Hungary we always use formal speech. Here at UTB all my teachers are interested in me, I mean they know my name, the city I come from and basic facts about me, it is like they think of me as a colleague.
Another great thing here in Zlín is that if I have a hobby which is related to my studies, I can use labs even with my handmade samples. I have never seen this. I think it is amazing and makes the students really motivated during their studies.
How did you find out about the opportunity to apply for a Visegrad scholarship?
I always knew it existed, but I was so convinced that it was not for me. So actually, in the beginning I was very upset that there was no way to come study at UTB. Luckily my husband read the Visegrad scholarship requirements very carefully and discovered that the scholarship was just perfect for my situation. After many weeks of searching, we found the scholarship I needed. ?
Was it difficult to get?
I think it was pretty easy to get it, because many people do not know about this great opportunity. If I remember well 50 people in my category could have gotten this scholarship. All together there were only 64 applicants, so more than 75% of the applicants got it. Since getting it, I tell everyone around me about this opportunity and I am looking forward to having a “descendant” in this program.
Is it enough money for living in the Czech Republic?
Yes, I think it is more than enough for living, but I have to admit that during COVID I really could not spend money on many things which I had done before (theaters, swimming pool, sport facilities, museums, etc.). I also like cooking and I love buying the hugely discounted vegetables at Kaufland which are bio, but very close to the “Best Before“ date. I think I can maintain a low cost lifestyle which is good when you live on a scholarship. ?
Where can other interested students find more information?
I highly recommend the Visegrad Scholarship website: https://www.visegradfund.org/apply/grants/
If you have additional questions, you should write to this e-mail without hesitation: visegradfund@visegradfund.org and they will answer you! ?
I also wrote a short summary of the application process and the potential of Visegrad on my blog which was inspired by my studies at UTB. Its website is: www.dobremond.eu. You can always turn to me as well for further information and help at this email: o_berezvai@utb.cz.
Do you have any further plans for your future?
It is a hard question. I am thinking of doing a PhD, but now I really want to work at big companies and see how it goes. This year along with my UTB master’s, I did another master’s program in Budapest, a Biochemical Engineering Master’s with an emphasis on education. Later in life, I also want to be a teacher and share my knowledge
Last, but not least, I want to have a big family with at least 3 children. I will become a mommy in February. I also truly believe that a big family is not an obstacle in a women’s career and my plan is to prove it. ?