UTB’s Faculty of Technology Announces Collaboration with Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A.
25. April 2024On Monday, March 4, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlín welcomed a team of representatives from Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A. specifically Dr. Sungeun Cho, Dr. Amit Morey and Dr. Jaroslav Valenta from the Department of Poultry Science. This visit was implemented with the support of the York International Scholars Program (College of Agriculture, Auburn University), which aims to support international research and mobility.
Research presentations by Auburn University representatives took place during the meeting. Above all, it involved the use of innovative technology leading to the improvement of the quality, safety and durability of animal products. The development of innovative and healthier food products and the analysis of food quality using modern sensory methods (electronic nose and tongue).
Subsequently, there was a research presentation focusing on biopolymers and collagen at FT UTB. The complex technology of processing animal by-products using environmentally friendly procedures was presented, which included proven practical applications. This was followed by a tour of special laboratories and the research workplace of the Department of Food Technology and the Department of Polymer Engineering. The representatives of the universities further discussed the possibilities of future collaboration, such as online teaching courses and lectures, joint scientific projects, internships and student exchanges.
Dr. Robert Gál, the director of the Department of Food Technology FT UTB, said, “We perceive the establishment of a partnership with a renowned institution such as Auburn University an important step for the further development of our faculty.”
According to him, the collaboration brings new opportunities, especially for students and academic staff.
Below is a short interview with Dr. Valenta.
Can you please clarify how you got a postdoctoral position at such a prestigious institution as Auburn University?
During my doctoral studies, I approached Dr. Morey about the possibility of a one-month internship in his laboratory and he accepted. During the internship he organized an experiment for me, thanks to which I not only obtained the necessary materials for my dissertation, we also published several scientific articles together. Thanks to this collaboration, in the period before completing the Ph.D. studies, I received an offer for a postdoctoral position.
What exactly are you doing in your research?
My main job is to study the quality of chicken meat and eggs. Previously, I dealt in more detail with the defects of chicken breast. Currently it is mainly the effect of various aspects of slaughter and processing on the quality of the meat. In parallel with the above mentioned, I also focus on the quality of eggs. Particularly innovative technology which enables quick and accurate detection of the quality of egg white with regard to its technological properties especially valued in the food industry.
What potential do you see in future collaboration?
If both parties actively seek ways of collaboration, the potential is great. The laboratories of the Faculty of Technology of UTB, which we were able to get to know during our visit, are very modern. The professors presented research projects which were at a very high level, so I personally think that when two such institutions come together it can always bring great possibilities, and above all other opportunities. Research is only one side, we may have exchanges for students. I dare to say that as prestigious as internships in the U.S.A. can be for students of Czech universities, they are just as prestigious for students of American universities in the Czech Republic.