Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Thermomechanical analyzer – TMA CX04R

Device description:
The TMA CX04R is used to measure the temperature dependence of thermomechanical properties. This instrument belongs to the group of instruments used for thermal analysis, in this particular case, thermomechanical analysis (TMA). The main principle of TMA analysis is a technique that measures the deformation of a sample due to a static force as a function of temperature or time when the sample is subjected to a controlled temperature program and a specific atmosphere.

Key features:

  • temperature range 20–800 °C
  • thermal expansion coefficient determination

Department of Physics and Materials Engineering – (Centre of Polymer System)

Responsible person:
Name:             prof. Ing. Petr Slobodian, Ph.D.
Phone.:           +420 576 031 350
Office:             U17/A322

Faculties and departments
