Confocal Microscope Olympus FV3000
Instrument Description:
The Olympus FV3000 is a laser scanning confocal microscope designed to capture high-resolution and high-contrast 2D and 3D fluorescence images.
Key Features:
- High resolution and contrast – detailed visualization of cellular structures and biomaterials
- 3D imaging – point-by-point scanning of the sample for the reconstruction of three-dimensional fluorescence images
- Multicolor fluorescence capability – simultaneous detection of multiple fluorophores
- Standard SD detector, highly sensitive spectral detector HSD
- Laser: 640 nm, 561 nm, 488 nm, 405 nm
- 6× Olympus objective lenses: UPLSAPO 10×2, UPLSAPO 60×O, LUCPLFLN 60×PH, LUCPLFLN 40×PH, UPLFLN 4×, UPLSAPO 4×
- Time-lapse imaging capability
- Includes an incubation chamber for real-time monitoring of cell dynamics
Department of Physics and Materials Engineering
Responsible Person:
Name: Assoc. Prof. Antonín Minařík, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 57 603 5086
Mobile: +420 603 929 933
Office: U15/439