Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

HPLC liquid chromatograph

Device description:
High-performance liquid chromatograph is used to separate sample components in order to determine their presence and concentration in the sample.

Key features:

  • comprehensive HPLC system assembly includes a quaternary pump, automatic dispenser, column thermostat
  • Chromeleon 7 chromatography software
  • standard connected DAD detector, simple connection of RI and FLD detectors
  • capacity up to 120 vials

Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry

Responsible person:
Name:        Assoc. Prof. Ing. Miroslav Fišera, CSc.
Tel.:            + 420 57 603 8084, + 420 57 603 8116
Office:         P35/U6, 219/U15

Faculties and departments
