Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Summer School

Sustainability in Polymers

The course aims to provide knowledge in the field of sustainability in the polymer and plastics industry, with a focus on the current trends in the optimization of synthesis, processing and management of plastic waste. Key topics will include biopolymers, biodegra­ dable polymers, recycling, optimization of processing technologies, and the use of additives.

Program covers:

  • lectures by academics from various institutions and experts from practice
  • workshops in laboratories
  • excursíons to major plastics companies
  • welcome party, guided tour of Zlín and social evening


The program is being organized in collaboration with:

  • Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
  • Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Centre of Polymer Systems, TBU Zlín
  • Companies: Borealis AG, Greiner Packaging, Institute for Testing and Certification


Faculties and departments
