Potentiostat setup
Device description:
Potentiostats for analysing by electrochemical methods – PGSTAT204 (Metrohm), ER466 (eDAQ) and EmStat4 (PalmSens).
Key features:
- PGSTAT204 can be equipped with another module (e.g. FRA, Multiplex, QCM…)
- PGSTAT204 allows for four-electrode setup plus input for control of external device (e.g. stirrer…)
- ER466 – besides the electrochemical cell connectors equipped with additional 3 inputs for modules (pH, temperature probe…), two I/O ports and external outputs for control of other periphery devices, altogether suitable for development and control of advanced electrochemical experiments
- EmStat4 – compact, powered by USB, suitable for field measurements
- EmStat4 – equipped with an integrated impedance module
Department of Environmental Protection Engineering
Contact person:
Name: doc. Ing. Jaroslav Filip, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 576 031 209
Mobil: +420 732 729 440
E-mail: jfilip@utb.cz
Office: U11/309