Mass spectrometer IC-ICP-MS with upstream ion chromatograph (IC)
Device description:
Quadrupole spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma iCAP-Q for multi-element ultratrace analysis and with upstream ion chromatograph for speciation analysis of elements bound in various binding forms.
Key features:
- automatic sample dosing (4×60 samples)
- automatic dosing for speciation analysis
- measurement modes allow to work in simple and complex matrices
- overview mode allows viewing of isotopic composition and presence of interferences
- collision reaction cell QCell allows reaching of detection limits at ppt level
- comprehensive software platform “Qtegra”
- ion optics RAPID (Right Angle Positive Ion Deflection)
Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry
Responsible person:
Name: Assoc. Prof. Ing. Miroslav Fišera, CSc.
Tel.: + 420 57 603 8084, + 420 57 603 8116
Office: P35/U6, 219/U15