Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Automated X-ray Diffractometer

Device Description:
The XRDynamic 500, equipped with the TTK 600 temperature chamber, is an X-ray diffractometer with fully automated optical geometry adjustment, enabling fast and precise analysis of the crystalline structure of samples. The instrument is suitable for identifying and quantifying the phase composition of materials (crystalline structures), analyzing crystallite size, studying polymorphic forms, and conducting thermal X-ray diffraction studies (structural changes at different temperatures).

Key Features:

  • Fully automated adjustment of X-ray optics/beam geometry
  • Large goniometer radius
  • Evacuated beam path
  • Measurement of sample spectra with various instrument configurations
  • High resolution (FWHM <0.021° for the 1st LaB₆ standard peak) with standard Bragg-Brentano configuration
  • High signal-to-noise ratio with up to 50% lower background and minimal parasitic air scattering
  • The TTK 600 low-temperature chamber is a non-ambient accessory for X-ray diffraction studies in the temperature range of -190°C to 600°C.

Department of Polymer Engineering

Responsible Person:
Name: Prof. Ing. Roman Čermák, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 57 603 1345
Mobile: +420 724 434 557
Office: 004/U15

Faculties and departments
