Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Equipment for the production of moulded plastic films

Instrument description:

Laboratory line for the preparation of extruded films with the possibility of coextrusion. A single screw extruder with a screw diameter of 25 mm and a length of 30D is connected to the extrusion head as standard. The extruded film is cooled on the rollers with the possibility of tempering the temperature of the rollers and then pulled to the winding device.

Key features:

  •  Auger speed up to 300 rpm.
  • Hourly output up to 20 kg

Ústav inženýrství polymerů, U11/116

Odpovědná osoba:
Jméno:            Ing. Petr Zádrapa, Ph.D.
Tel.:                  + 420 576 031 114
Mobil:              +420 731 635 558
Kancelář:         U15/333, U11/116

Faculties and departments
