Device description:
Capillary high-pressure rheometer for determining flow curves and rheological properties of polymer melts and rubber mixtures.
Key features:
- Measuring temperature 25 – 400 °C
- Piston diameter 9.53 mm
- usable capillaries for plastics (length/diameter) – 1/0.5; 10/0,5; 20/1; 30/1; 10/2; 20/2
- Capillary for rubber mixtures with a 90° haunch (length/diameter) – 20/1
- Piston feed speed 0.0001 to 40 mm/s
- Measurable pressure up to 2000 bar
Department of Polymer Engineering
Responsible person:
Name: Ing. Ondřej Krejčí, Ph.D.
Tel.: 576031229
Mobile: 776884632
E-mail: okrejci@utb.cz
Office: U15/337