Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Rubber Process Analyser – RPA

Instrument description:
The RPA instrument from Alpha Technology is used to characterize rubbers, rubber compounds and vulcanizates. The instrument can measure flow behavior, LAOS, vulcanization characteristics, heat development, etc. It includes a device for cutting out the exact volume of the test sample to achieve the most accurate measurements.

Key features:
Measurement capability from room temperature to 230 °C.
Heating rate 1 °C/sec.
Adjustable parameters frequency 0 – 50 Hz, deflection ± 0.005 – ± 90 degrees
Measured parameters – torque, temperature, frequency, strain, pressure and angle

Ústav inženýrství polymerů, U11/116

Odpovědná osoba:
Jméno:            Ing. Petr Zádrapa, Ph.D.
Tel.:                  + 420 576 031 114
Mobil:              +420 731 635 558
Kancelář:         U15/333, U11/116

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