Tomas Bata University in Zlín

About the Department

Single screw extruders

Instrument description:
Laboratory single screw extrusion machines from Collin type E 20 P and Jiangsu Kitech Machinery. The Collin machine has a screw diameter of 20 mm and a length of 25D. The second extruder has a screw diameter of 25 mm and a length of 28D.

Key features:
Screw speed up to 200 rpm
Hourly output up to 30 kg

Ústav inženýrství polymerů, U11/116

Odpovědná osoba:
Jméno:            Ing. Petr Zádrapa, Ph.D.
Tel.:                  + 420 576 031 114
Mobil:              +420 731 635 558
Kancelář:         U15/333, U11/116

Faculties and departments
