Tensiometer Krüss K20
A tensiometer is a device used to measure various parameters of solutions using the detachment method. The main procedure is based on measuring surface tension using the Wilhelmy plate or the Du Noüy ring. Additionally, interfacial tension, critical micelle concentration, density, and other parameters can be determined. The measurement is semi-automatic.
Surface tension range: 1 mN∙m⁻¹ to 999 mN∙m⁻¹.
Density range: 1 g∙cm⁻³ to 2,200 g∙cm⁻³.
Thermostatic jacket temperature range: −10 °C to 130 °C.
Responsible person:
Name: Ondřej Rudolf
Phone number: +420 576 031 232
E-mail: rudolf@utb.cz
Office: U11/330