Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

Completed projects

Project title: New approaches and methods of analysis to ensure the quality, safety and health wholesomeness of cheeses, the optimization of their production and the streamline of hygiene and sanitation together with the lowering of environmental load by waste water
Project investigator Reg. Number Duration of the project
Leona Buňková QK1710156 2017-2021
About the project:
The aim of the project is for the selected microbiological and chemical parameters of raw-materials, products, waste-materials and environment, to optimize and introduce new approaches, technological procedures and analytical methods according to the demands of dairy plants with the aim to increase quality, safety and health wholesomeness of cheeses and animal by-products from their production together with the lowering of environmental load.
Co-investigator project, Main Beneficiary: Výzkumný ústav mlékárenský s.r.o.
Project title: Meat cooking loss: effect of fresh meat characteristics, cooking technology and parameters of cooking
Project investigator Reg. Number Duration of the project
Robert Gál QK1920190 2019 – 2021
About the project:
The objectives of the project are cooking loss evaluation for different types of pork, beef, chicken and turkey meat, depending on the culinary equipment used during roasting, stewing, boiling and grilling and depending on the cooking parameters (temperature/time), evaluation of the effect of fresh meat characteristics (pH value, fat content, collagen content, beef aging) to the cooking loss of meat after cooking, evaluation of meat tenderness after cooking and statistical evaluation of measured values of cooking loss with variables in the project (fresh meat characteristics, cooking parameters, used culinary equipment).
Co-investigator project, Main Beneficiary: University of Veterinary Sciences Brno
Project title: Research into the use of whey as dairy industry waste product, the production of antimicrobial compounds for the modification of hydrophilic polymer systems with the use in cosmetic and medical applications
Project investigator Reg. Number Duration of the project
Vladimír Sedlařík QJ1310254 2013 – 2017
About the project:
The aim of the project is multispecialized research and subsequent applications for the dairy industry by-product, whey, as raw material for biotechnological production of antimicrobial substances and their subsequent incorporation into polymer matrices selected. Expected to acquire new knowledge in the field of biotechnology, microbiology and processing and analysis of macromolecular systems leading to the publication outcomes at the global level. The final output will be a new product based on polymers for cosmetic and medical applications.
Project title: Protection systems of quality and safety of dairy products by means of suitable methods applicable in practice
Project investigator Reg. Number Duration of the project
František Buňka QJ1210300 2012 – 2016
About the project:
On the basis of demands from dairy plants, the aim of the project is to predict risk microbiological and other parameters, to design, to optimize and to introduce suitable methods for them, that are applicable in practice as a part of protection systems of quality and safety of chosen dairy products and technological processes.
Co-investigator project, Main Beneficiary: Výzkumný ústav mlékárenský s.r.o.

Faculties and departments
