State Doctoral Exams
State doctoral exam consist of two main parts:
Here are key steps that you must make to successfully finish your Ph.D. studies:
Timeline of submission of documents for Ph.D. Examination
A Ph.D. student may apply for taking a Ph.D. examination after passing examinations in all the subjects given by individual study plan. It is necessary that all the documents stipulated in Art 44 of the Study and Examination rules of TBU, were delivered to the Research and Development Department at least four weeks ahead of schedule SDE along with following documents:
- The application form for Ph.D. Examination, including determination of the Ph.D. Examination Board under Art 45 the Study and Examination rules of TBU in Zlín. The date of Ph.D. Examination is agreed to all members of committee by student’s supervisor in advance.
- Summary of all activities performed during studies in a Ph.D. programme.
- Paper specified under Art 44 Para 2, including a list of works published, or engineering products or works of art, which is submitted by e-mail.
The state doctoral examination is notified to members of board 14 days in advance.
Timeline of submission of documents for the defense of the Ph.D. thesis
Upon passing Ph.D. examination, a Ph.D. student submits the relevant application form for defending Ph.D. thesis. All documents stipulated in Art 48 about State final exam must be delivered to the Research and development department TBU in Zlín. It is necessary to deliver following documents at least eight weeks before the planned the defense:
- The Application for a Ph.D. thesis defense including proposed committee according to Para 50 and 51 of The Study and Examination Rules TBU in Zlín. The date of defense is agreed to all members of committee by student’s supervisor.
- 5 printed copies of Ph.D. thesis + submission by e-mail.
- Ph.D. Thesis Summary, which is submitted by e-mail.
- A summary of all activities performed during studies in a Ph.D. programme, including a list of works published and yet to be published or a list of engineering products or works of art as well as responses to these products and works.
- Works published or manuscripts of works yet to be published along with the confirmation of accepting these for publication.
- The Ph.D. student submits the declaration of co-authors on the contribution of each author to the work, if it is a thematically organized collection of published works with accompanying text under Art 47 of The Study and Examination Rules TBU in Zlín.
- The Ph.D. student´s supervisor´s opinion of Ph.D. thesis.
- The Ph.D. student submits outputs shown in the ISI Web of Knowledge or Scopus by the internal standards of the Faculty of Technology which is a complement assessment and grading TBU to the date of commencement of study.
Within one month of the day on which the Ph.D. thesis was delivered, an examiner stipulated in the Application develops a written report on the Ph.D. thesis under Art 51 about State final exam TBU in Zlín. A written report on the Ph.D. thesis must be sent to every members of Board for a Ph.D. thesis defense at least within fifteen days before the Ph.D. thesis defense. Ph.D. thesis is five working days before the defense published at Research and development department.
Good luck!