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- Department of Environmental Protection Engineering
- Department of Fat, Surfactant and Cosmetics Technology
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- Dynamic foam analyzer Krüss DFA100
- Gas chromatograph Dani Master GC
- Gas chromatograph Shimadzu GC-2010 Pro
- Homogenizer IKA T25 Ultra-Turrax®
- Multi Probe Adapter System MPA 10 Courage+Khazaka electronic
- Professional Rancimat 892 Metrohm
- Tensiometer Krüss K20
- Theta Attension Biolin Scientific
- Ultrasonicator UP400St Hielscher Ultrasonics
- Zetasizer Nano ZS90 Malvern
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- Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry
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- ALTO-SHAAM combination oven
- ANKOM Daisy II Incubator
- Ankom Fiber Analyzer
- Behr S2 steam distillation device
- Gerhardt SOXTHERM extraction device
- High-pressure extractor ASE 350
- HPLC liquid chromatograph
- Mass spectrometer IC-ICP-MS with upstream ion chromatograph (IC)
- Photochem Antioxidant Content Determination System
- Ultrasonic homogenizer Omni Sonic Ruptor 4000
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- Department of Food Technology
- Department of Chemistry
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- Alpha Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Bruker)
- Elemental analyser Thermo Fischer Scientific Flash EA 1112
- Freeze-dryer Martin Christ Alpha 2-4 LSC Basic
- Gas Chromatograph with a single-quadrupole mass detector
- Gas Chromatograph with a Triple Quadrupole Mass Detector
- Gas chromatograph with electron capture detector
- Gas chromatograph with Flame-Ionisation Detector
- High-pressure capillary rheometer Rosand RH10
- Ion-trap mass spectrometer
- Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (VP-ITC)
- Kugelrohr, Distillation Oven BUCHI
- Microwave reactor CEM discover SP
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance JEOL 400 MHz
- Photochemical reactor LTD
- Polarimeter Kruss P3000
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- Department of Physics and Materials Engineering
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- Atomic Force Microscope NT-MDT NTEGRA Probe NanoLaboratory
- Bio 3D bioprinter Cellink BioX
- Confocal Microscope Olympus FV3000
- Diener plasma reactor (13,56 MHz)
- Diener Plasma reactor (2,45 GHz).
- Diener plasma reactor (40 kHz)
- FTIR spectrometer ThermoScientific Nicolet iS5
- Impedance analyzer Agilent 4294A
- Laboratory system for fibre preparation 4SPIN ®
- Microwave system Ethos One
- Multimeter Keithley 6517A
- System for additive manufacturing
- Tensiometer Biolin Scientific Attension Sigma 700
- Thermal camera Flir E6
- Thermomechanical analyzer – TMA CX04R
- Vector analyzer PNA-L-N5230A
- Vibrating magnetometer VSM 7407
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- Department of Polymer Engineering
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- Automated X-ray Diffractometer
- Equipment for the production of moulded plastic films
- Hardness tester - Shore A a D Bareiss
- Hydraulic presses
- Injection moulding machine - DEMAG Ergotech 50-200 system
- Laboratory calendars for the preparation and heating of rubber compounds
- Laboratory internal mixers for the preparation of rubber compounds
- Rotational rheometer ARES-G2
- Rubber Process Analyser - RPA
- SAXSpace System
- Single screw extruders
- Tensile testing apparatus - Tensometer T10D
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- Summer School
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- Department of Production Engineering
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- Catalog: Machines, Instruments and Laboratory Equipments
- Equipment for teaching
- Machinery and equipment for plastics processing
- Machines and devices for automation, robotization, rapid prototyp-ing
- Machines for welding, cutting, surface treatment, non-conventional technologies
- Machining and Forming
- Measuring, testing machines, measuring instruments, optical in-struments, sensors, charge amplifier and data acquisition
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- Dissertation Topics
- Environmental Chemistry and Technology
- Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich waste
- Biodegradable Food Packaging with Active Component
- Biodegradable plastics, their treatment, evaluation and fate in the environment
- CRISPR-Directed In Vitro Gene Editing of Plasmid DNA in environmental technologies
- DNA sequencing and analysis of the soil microbiome as a method for monitoring environmental risks
- Environmental Behavior and Ecological Impact of Bioplast and Biodegradable plasts in the water and Soil Ecosystems
- Changes in soil microbiology and properties in response to the presence of polymeric materials
- Use of materials produced during waste processing to prepare biodegradable products
- Utilization of products of tannery chromium waste recycling
- Chemistry, Technology and Analysis of Food
- 3D printing applications in the food industry
- Analysis and Influence of Various Factors on Antioxidant Potential of Selected MAS Plants and their Products
- Analysis and use of chili peppers in non-traditional and fermented foods
- Applicability of cereals with pigmented grains in bakery products
- Application of spectroscopic and rheological methods for study of the influence of antioxidants on oxidation modification of low-density lipoproteins
- Biologically active substances in edible flowers and their use in gastronomy and food industry
- Correlation between mineral compounds content and content of antioxidant and other bioactive substances in foods
- Determination of basic nutrients and biologically active substances during the cultivation of microgreens
- Potential application of symbiotic cultures in dairy products and their effect on functional properties
- Production of chocolate truffles with a focus on sustainability of fillings (ganache)
- Production of plant-based protein-lipid complexes and their physicochemical characterization
- Reformulation of foods with high sugar and fat content
- Study of the properties of fermented legume-based products
- Study of the synthetic utilization of 4-hydroxypyridin-2- ones to obtain compounds potentially usable in food technology
- The effect of hydrocolloids addition and vibrations simulating transportation regimes on the functional properties of selected dairy systems
- The study of the structure and properties of compounds of selected elements for their speciation
- Process Engineering
- (Nano)composites of the type thermoplastic elastomers/filler – influence of the processing process used on the final properties
- 3D-printed magnetorheological elastomers for soft robotics
- Effect of Boundary Conditions and Parameters of Loading on the Mechanics of Elastomer
- Fusion of Powder Injection Molding and Additive Manufacturing
- Influence of production process of polymeric materials on their mechanical properties
- Research of the Behaviour of Sandwich Types of Cellular Materials Produced by Additive Technology
- Research on the Influence of the Complex Cellular Materials' Topology on their Compression Fatigue Properties
- Research on the Influence of the Complex Cellular Materials' Topology on their Tensile Fatigue Properties
- Technology of Macromolecular Substances
- Advanced functional polymer membranes and films
- Advanced polymer composite for sensorimotor insole in shoes
- Application of advanced polymerization techniques in polymer brushes grafting
- Biodegradable polymer blends
- Complexes based on polymers and amphiphilic molecules as carriers of active substances
- Controlling the structure and properties of semi-crystalline polymers using renewable additives
- Development of biocompatible hydrogels for deposition on surfaces with defined structures
- Development of hydrogel systems for biological applications
- Development of new methodologies for evaluating cosmetic polymer systems with regard to their regenerative effects
- Dielectric spectroscopy of polymer nanocomposites
- Durability of Magnetorheological Elastomers
- Electrically conductive carbon nanotubes/polyolefin composites
- Flexoelectric phenomenon in polymer materials
- Functional polymers from renewable monomers
- Hierarchically structured polymer surfaces for the binding/deposition of biocompatible materials and their applications in tissue engineering
- Modeling of polymer melt flows at high strain rates
- Multitopic guests based on extended diamantane scaffold
- Polymer sensors
- Preparation of active surface materials based on polymers by plasma technology
- Preparation of intelligent fungicide layers on polymer surfaces
- Preparation technology and characterization of polymer-based anti-coagulant surfaces
- Processing technology and characterization of polymer systems for regenerative medicine
- Reactive blending of engineering polymers
- Recycling of PUR foams and possibility of reusing obtained products
- Rheology and flow stability of polymer melts at high strain rates
- Surface immobilization of polysaccharides on synthetic polymer materials
- Towards Supramolecular Newton’s cradle
- Triboelectrification mechanism of polymer materials for self-powered sensors
- Utilization of gelatins prepared by biotechnological method from alternative raw material sources
- Vitrimers – Advanced (Bio)polymer Networks
- Tools and Processes
- 3D printed polymer sensors
- Analysis and prediction of the influence of a geometry on the resistance to dynamic loading
- Composites machining: statistics and artificial neural networks for optimizing tool life and quality of the machined surface
- Effect of Cutting Tool Texture on Machining Performance
- Effect of production technology of materials on their viscoelastic behaviour
- Effect of Speed and Loading History on the Mechanics of Elastomer under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Stress
- Characterization of the Effect of Weld Lines in Polymer Injection Moulding on Mechanical and Structural Properties
- Influence of Deep Drawing Technology on Mechanical and Structural Properties of Sheet Metal Parts
- Influence of Injection Mold Surface Quality on Polymer Flow
- Monitoring the Injection Molding Process of Polymer Composites – Combining Polymer Waste with Natural and Other Waste Fillers From the Perspective of Setting Process Conditions
- Preparation and Property Characterization of Plastic-Biomass Composite Materials from Agro-Residues and Post-Used Plastic Waste Materials
- Research on Machining Stability of Thin Brass Alloy Rods
- Environmental Chemistry and Technology
- Doctoral Programme Commissions
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- Specialist Board
- Specialist board of Environmental Chemistry and Technology
- Specialist Board of Food Technology
- Specialist Board of Chemistry and Materials Technology
- Specialist Board of Chemistry, Technology and Analysis of Food
- Specialist Board of Process Engineering
- Specialist Board of Technology of Macromolecular Substances
- Specialist Board of Tools and Processes
- State Doctoral Exams
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- Projects funded by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
- Projects funded by The Czech Science Foundation
- Projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
- Projects funded by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
- Projects funded by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
- Projects funded by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
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